Cool stuff one might find while surfing the net at 3 AM

I'm a night owl, ok? Never been a morning person, never will be, despite my repeated attempts. While surfing the net in the wee hours of the morning the last few weeks, I stumbled upon some cool stuff which I am determined to share with you in this post of utter randomness :D

How about some installations made of books, pencils and little plastic soldiers? Frederico Uribe is highly creative and you can see more of his work, including sculptures and paintings, on his website

Electrolux has a new line of vacuum cleaners made from plastic waste: "Vacs From the Sea". The Swedish manufacturer is hoping to raise awareness about plastic waste in the oceans and sent out teams to locations around the world to collect plastic trash. Even though Electrolux is a large consumer of plastics that are not recycled, they claim they want to change that.

This is one chair I might need. The "Lost In Sofa" chair that will help you keep track of items like remote control, books, mobile phone, whatever, because they can be safely inserted into the little spots between the cubes of the sofa.

Jean Paul Gaultier's love of interior design recently resulted in a collaboration with the furniture design house Roche Bobois. The collection includes mirrors, floor mats, a transformable sofa, a bed and many cushions.

Images from Frederico Uribe, Black Eiffel, Inhabitat and Trendland.

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